Thursday, April 19, 2012

On Beyond Bugs! -Book

Rabe, T., & Ruiz, A. (1999). On beyond bugs!. New York: Random House.

This exciting book brings the reader to a better understanding of bugs. The Cat and the Hat explains many different types of bugs, including honeybees, grasshoppers, black ants and many more. Each of the bugs he gives a characteristic of or explains how they get food or their colonies. To conclude the book he tells the author all the wonderful things that bugs do for you, and for me! I would use this book to begin a lesson on bugs, and also include it in my library for a self read. 

The Magic School Bus Fights Germs- Book

Egan, K., Bracken, C., & Cole, J. (2008). The magic school bus fights germs. New York: Scholastic Inc.

On this adventure with Ms. Frizzle and her class they enter the throat of one of their classmates. While they are in her throat they see a lot of germs and red and white blood cells. The book teachers students things like: what germs are, how to keep germs away, why your throat gets red when you are sick, what antibodies are and much more. Students learn about different ways to keep germs away and how to treat your body when you get sick. I would use this book when teaching a lesson on personal hygiene or keeping your body healthy. 

The Magic School Bus- Arctic Adventures - Book

Herman, G., & Cole, J. (2004). The magic school bus arctic adventure. New York: Scholastic
This children's book sends Ms. Frizzles class on an adventure to the Arctic. The students discover many different kinds of animals, and share different interesting facts that they know about them such as learning about caribou, they work hard to find their food. They dig in the snow to uncover plants to eat. The students also discover the temperature difference as well as the light change. I would use this book to begin a discussion on the Arctic.

What do you see prop box- Lesson plan

This is an example of a prop box that can be used in a science center. The students investigate in this prop box by seeing what happens when they look through water to see something. The students are to look through the different bottles containing (bottle 1-empty, bottle 2-glitter water, 3-water, 4-cooking oil).  The students will then answer the questions on the graphic organizer. The different object are things that the students will look at through the selected bottles. They will describe or dry what they see on the graphic organizer.

Physical Science- Lesson Plan

This lesson plan will begin teaching Newton's law. It will answer questions such as: What are Newton's laws? What is inertia? The students will be investigating Newton's laws by rolling marbles and trying to get them out of the circle by hitting them. Doing this investigation activity will leave a lasting memory in the student's minds about Newton's law. To conclude the activity the students will explain Newton's law.

The Path To Mars- Lesson Plan

This lesson plans has the students comparing Mars and the Earth. The children will do this by researching the planets at designated websites. They will first compare the pictures of the two planets and give the characteristics of each, and then what are the same and different about each of them. Students will then do further research on each of the planets and make a poster of the pictures and information that they found. 

Bridges! -Book


Bridges! : amazing structures to design, build & test

Johmann, C. A., Rieth, E. J., & Kline, M. P. (1999). Bridges!: amazing structures to design, build & test. Charlotte, VT: Williamson.

This children's book uses bridge building basics to walk the reader through creating a bridge. The author incorporates science and creativity to help guide the reader to creating the most realistic and functional bridge. This would be a great center activity for students to experiment with testing their knowledge on building bridges.